Welcome to the website of laaph.neocities.org!

An update on 2022-08-02: One of the things about websites is that it is easy to forget about them and never update them. Hello world! Sorry to never update!

I am a being with zero imagination. I make video games when no one is looking. I have such a weird life that sometimes people think I am lying when I tell random stories.

You can find a worse example of my writings at tilde.town.

You can find horrible games I've made at itch.

Boring stuff in my life

I am currently reading the Sandman comics. I read them about 20 years ago, and I didn't really remember how the stories go. I've been fully entertained all over again. There is some heavy stuff in there, it's definitely one part horror comics. They're really good.

I am currently reading a book called "How to blow up a pipeline". It's mostly about justifying violence in the name of protesting, in particular with regard to climate change. It's actually rather boring; I might not finish it. I concede some of the points (sometimes you need to use violence to get change to happen, it uses suffragettes of the UK and black civil rights activists of the US as examples where it worked), but I can't say that it is always the way to get things done, nor the right way. But I don't know what the right way is, so don't come to me looking for political answers.

I've signed up to do the Global Game Jam 2022. I've logged on to three discord servers representing three different cities locations; even though this year GGJ allows remote, I still have to sign up at GGJ for one physical location. In theory I have my game all planned out; but I have not started on much.

On a lark I searched archive org for game jam. I found this image to include here.

I hope you have enjoyed your stay here. Next week there will be free drinks!
Last updated 2022-08-02